NAHO recognizes that there is a significant gap between Non-indigenous and Aboriginals’ historical knowledge. This gap has been considered a concern by the United Nations Committees.  Despite the policies put in place that aim at improving the education of indigenous communities, it remains a longstanding challenge. Besides, there are still emerging educational issues among Aboriginals.

It is essential to act now to prevent these emerging issues by engaging the indigenous communities in our educational policies. As an organization, we are addressing these issues and raising awareness as the government designs culturally appropriate programs. We are relentlessly doing what we can to improve their educational systems.

Many indigenous people are unable to get over horrible past experiences because of the adverse effects of colonization, which still linger. The result of injustice which happened during conquest includes exploitation, displacement, and violence. Such behaviour towards Aboriginals was justified by colonialists who neither understood nor respected indigenous first peoples.

During colonization, the established systems, institutions, and policies still have an impact on Aboriginals. Our organisation has developed precise information on the themes of indigenous culture and how it affects their wellbeing. Also, we have tried all approaches concerning the emerging priorities on environmental knowledge.