The history of indigenous people is affected by a sophisticated interaction of behaviors, biological, environmental, cultural, and social factors. However, the determinants of historical context continue to evolve, to include broader social forces which affect education.
Social determinants include education, economic development, employment, tenancy/homelessness/ home ownership, historical factors such as colonialism, discrimination, racism, access to social and educational services, early child development, poverty, gender, and language.
NAHO acknowledges that colonial effects and colonization did influence the other social determinants of indigenous families and communities. Besides, educational inequities, which Aboriginal people encounter is as a result of racism, social exclusion, dislocation, and marginalization.
Our organisation brings on these social determinants affecting Aboriginals education. In an urban setting, the major challenge with improving the education of indigenous people is the complex institutions serving them. The complex intersection interrelates with other determinants making educational services unavailable for them.
Therefore, to overcome this social determinant, we need to go beyond individual factors. We aim at moving beyond history being perceived as a matter of weakness. Our organisation takes the approach Aboriginals wellbeing in terms of spirituality, connectedness, self-determination, and self-reliance as an advanced way of attending to their education as well.